We are on the brink of a notable shift as businesses rely more on the crowdsource last-mile services.

Our Story

gogo is an upcoming and rising start up company which specialises in technological innovations
and solutions in the full range of logistics supply chain. Our fundamental business structure is based on providing
the best optimal logistics solution and resources in a world where technological implantations are essential to thrive.

Who are we?

We are a logistics and supply chain solutions provider utilizing technology and crowdsource.


Build optimized logistics solutions in every vertical with logistical operation.


International network and leader in logistics and supply chain optimization solutions

How it started?

It all started with the pain felt in logistics fulfillment whether it be in food, ecommerce, cargo, and distribution.

Quality of time and customer experience has always been a challenge for operators. We're here to help solve this!

in Numbers

gogo is an upcoming and rising start up company which specialises in technological innovations
and solutions in the full range of logistics supply chain. Our fundamental business structure is based on providing
the best optimal logistics solution and resources in a world where technological implantations are essential to thrive.


drivers & vehicles




km crossed


cities serviced

A Few Words

"Logistics is not only the optimization of vehicles on road. It has a lot

to do with the internal work of the company, the internal structure and operation

makes it more difficult to to optimize the logistical elements"


Solving the last-mile problem..